DeepStrike is the world's first computer vision AI for combat sports

DeepStrike powers the Jabbr platform, an online app allowing fighting athletes, coaches, and enthusiasts to utilize the DeepStrike AI in the Cloud. Upload high quality video footage of your fights or sparring, and get automated stats, analytics, and video highlights in return!

  • Landed

    Total number of punches that each fighter landed.

  • High Impact

    Total number of punches that landed cleanly with power and visible effect.

  • Thrown

    Total number of punches thrown.

  • Pressure

    Percentage of round displaying pressure towards opponent. Pressure indicators are: Having opponent on the ropes or in a corner. Moving forward and making opponent move backwards. Staying and fighting in close or mid-range.

  • Aggression

    Percentage of round displaying aggression towards opponent. Aggression indicators are: Throwing first and/or last punch in an exchange. Throwing punches with high power-commit. Throwing punches in combinations.

DeepStrike stats overview page
  • Landed

    The counters next to , , and indicates how many rounds a corner had a lead. A corner has to have a minimum relative advantage of 20%, and a minimum absolute advantage of 3 punches landed to get it.

  • High Impact

    The counters next to , , and indicates how many rounds a corner had a lead. A corner has to have a minimum relative advantage of 20%, and a minimum absolute advantage of one or more High Impact punch to get it.

  • Thrown

    The counters next to , , and indicates how many rounds a corner had a lead. A corner has to have a minimum relative advantage of 20%, and a minimum absolute advantage of 5 punches thrown to get it.

  • Pressure

    The counters next to , , and indicates how many rounds a corner had a lead. A corner has to have a minimum relative advantage of 20%, and a minimum absolute advantage of 5% pressure to get it.

  • Aggression

    The counters next to , , and indicates how many rounds a corner had a lead. A corner has to have a minimum relative advantage of 20%, and a minimum absolute advantage of 5% aggression to get it.

DeepStrike stats round by round
  • Punch Counts

    Shows punches Landed, Thrown and landed with High Impact for the most thrown punches of the fighter.

  • Stance

    Stance of the fighter, measured in 1 second intervals around punch events.

  • Balance

    Balance of the fighter, measured in 1 second intervals around punch events.

  • Distance

    Distance during which the fighter has thrown his punches.

  • Combinations

    Percentage breakdown of punches thrown as part of a combination.

  • Landed Quality

    Histogram for the quality distribution of punches landed by the fighter. Determined in terms of accuracy, cleanliness, and visible effect on target. Min refers to shots that landed but did limited damage to the extent that it could be debatable if it should be counted or not, Max are highlight worthy punches with KO potential.

  • Power Commit

    Histogram for the power-commit distribution of punches thrown by the fighter. Determined in terms of type and effort committed to the punch. Min refers to shots that were thrown with so little intent that it could be debatable if they should be counted as a punch thrown. Max are highlight worthy shots with full rotation and body-weight committed to the punch.

  • Accuracy by Combination

    The histogram shows the accuracy for punches thrown belonging to combinations of each length.

DeepStike stats punch details page
  • Singles

    Singles indicate punches thrown without being part of a combination.

  • Combinations

    The little circles denote punches that were part of a combination. The color denotes the impact of the punch.

  • Link Thickness

    The volume of follow up punches of each category is represented by the thickness of the link.

  • Impact Category

    The legend lists the number of punches the fighter landed within each impact category.

DeepStrike stats punch combinations

In addition to the stats, DeepStrike can convert a couple of static cameras into a full-fledged TV production, including highlights and overlay graphics. Imagine having your own camera crew following you in the ring to catch all your best moments.

Your competitive edge awaits.

Stats, analytics, and highlights on any fight video?